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Reader Question: Why Can’t A Catholic Spouse Receive Sacraments After Learning They’re Invalidly Married?
I've been helping a lot of folks to the best of my abilities in my DMs, comments, email, etc. So I figured I would share some of those answers with you! Question: Hi! My husband is Catholic, however, I am not, I am non-denominational. We recently got married in a...
Are You Willing To Die to Yourself To Go To Heaven?
The way I see it, there are two ways you need to die before you can spend eternity in Heaven with our abundantly merciful Lord. #1: Die To Yourself #2: Physically Die First, let’s talk about dying to yourself (after all, without step #1, step #2 will send you...
My 4-Months-In Thoughts on Vocation / Hobby Balance
This vocation/hobby balance thing is hard. I tend toward extremes in my life—either entirely melancholy and bored or super fired up and passionate for my hobbies and vocation. As you can probably imagine, this dichotomy makes for some pretty stressful times when...
holy homes &joyful lives
Time-Honored Wisdom
Our grandparents' generation and the saints weren't perfect all the time, but they did have a better grasp on reality than most of us here in the 21st century.
Timeless Hymns
Hymns written by saints and before the 1970s are my love language. I share my wedding singing stories & general in-the-pew singing tips right here!
Motherhood & Babies
Sharing everything that's worked for us (and everything that hasn't!)
43 Things Pregnant Ladies Can Give Up / Take On for Lent
As I sit here giving my kitten a well-earned belly rub, it occurs to me that I haven't decided...
Everything you Need to Know About RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults )
The Catholic Church can seem like an exclusive club. I mean. Only confirmed Catholics can receive...
Crafting Your Catholic Rule of Life and Routine (Including: minimum Time Catholics should pray Daily!)
Howdy folks! 👋🏼 Yesterday, I stumbled across one of my favorite priests on YouTube, Fr. Ripperger,...
Addicted to Social Media? The Social Media Dilemma & Following Carlo Acutis’ Holy Example
What are we doing on social media?? In middle school, I got a Facebook account. Soon after, I was...
10 Crucial Catholic Questions to Ask Before Marriage–Part 1
In the Catholic Church, a couple does not partake in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony with that...