Homemaking Blog

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Here I Go–Bloggin’ Again…

It's been a while (almost a year) since I've sat down to write a blog post. In that time, my world has bubbled up and flipped over like a flapjack on a buttered cast-iron. Fortunately for me, I found a fabulous Catholic therapist to continue pointing my teetering ship...

holy homes &joyful lives


vintage books on a desk

Time-Honored Wisdom

Our grandparents' generation and the saints weren't perfect all the time, but they did have a better grasp on reality than most of us here in the 21st century.

vintage books on a desk

Timeless Hymns

Hymns written by saints and before the 1970s are my love language. I share my wedding singing stories & general in-the-pew singing tips right here!

Motherhood & Babies

Sharing everything that's worked for us (and everything that hasn't!)
