It’s been a while (almost a year) since I’ve sat down to write a blog post.

In that time, my world has bubbled up and flipped over like a flapjack on a buttered cast-iron.

Fortunately for me, I found a fabulous Catholic therapist to continue pointing my teetering ship back toward the only sure thing in this world: Our Lord.

Although I was abruptly uprooted and force-fed a humbling slice of get-a-job pie, as God does, He has used the past year as an intense growing season for me.

Where am I now, you might ask?

Living with my two little gals and my lovely parents back in my hometown. I’m teaching English at the school I attended way back in the day . . . which is an enormous adjustment considering I’ve never actually had a full-time job.

Let’s cut to the chase. I’m writing this blog post because I’m putting off another more exciting writing project I’m embarking upon: a full-length novel!

If you’ve been following along closely, yes, I have written a Catholic children’s book and had it illustrated. No, I haven’t mustered the moxy to release it yet. Thanks for asking! I’ll get there soon. Pray for the Holy Spirit to send me a sign. Or an agent.

Graceful Catholic started as a marriage / lifestyle blog. Then I had babies and I wrote a bit about that. Now I’m *ahem* no longer the former and don’t care to share too much about the latter. Now it’ll be the place where I share updates about my new book. And new projects. And life musings.

Another idea with some friends of mine is in the work to bring Catholic women’s stories of hardship to the light. But more on that another time!

I must be off to get cracking on my new novel 🙂



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